configuration (cli only)

you can use the config.toml file to configure cli habitmap. currently, there are only three things to configure.

default stepno

default value: stepno = 4

everytime a new habit is made, its stepno will by this number by default.

default color

default value: defcol = ['ffffff']

everytime a map is printed without specifying colors, these colors are used instead. you can put a single color or multiple colors here, but make sure they are in the form of a list or array.

having the default colors ['red', 'green', 'blue'] would have the same effect as manually typing 'red green blue' at the end of each command. do note that you can also put custom color names here.

custom colors

default value: cols = []

any custom colors can be placed here. cols should be a list of lists in the format ['name/alias', 'color'] where 'color' is of any format specified here.

for example:

cols = [
    ['color1', 'fc0099'],
    ['color2', 'ffcc00']